We come into this world with no worries
We grow up and make many wonderful memories
Then suddenly you learn about this terrible disease
Dementia takes over your life
And destroys everything you dreamed of
Stealing your life and ripping apart the people you love.
The whole family is affected
And the daily challenges are painful
I’ve watched my mum right from the start
Denial, confusion, fear and sadness sets in
Together like a poisonous cocktail
Destroying the brain bit by bit
Until the person you love is no longer there
My mum I used to know is slowly slipping away
As her recent memories have been stolen.
She is now like a child, calling me mum
And her husband is her daddy
Mum is now in a nursing home
And takes comfort with her baby doll
She loves to hear her favourite song
She’ll be Coming Round the Mountain
There is something magical about this song
As Mum’s face lights up with joy and she starts to sing
It’s light turning on the light in a dark room
Mum still smiles and kisses everyone
But I’m not sure if she really knows me.
She tries to reach out and speak to me
But her words make no sense to me.
She takes my hand and looks at me
I can see the frustration in her eyes
She’s Trapped and unable to communicate
She’s Trapped in an Unknown World
And then there are moments of clarity
When she suddenly makes me shudder and says
I know there’s something wrong with me
No one really understands what dementia is like
It has become the biggest fear
For the carers and families it is sad and devastating
To watch the person you love deteriorate
I can only hope mum finds some happiness
Trapped in this Unknown World
Lisa Rutter