Friends in Need – FIN – 16th Oct 2023

Oct 16, 2023 | Session Blogs

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It was wonderful to welcome our members to today’s session at Friend In Need which was run by Faz.

Acrostic poem themed colouring sheets were distributed today, an acrostic poem is a poem in which certain letters of each line combine to spell out a word when read out vertically. The word used today was ‘flower’, this activity encouraged our members to think about words beginning with each letter using the word ‘flower’. It was great to see members getting creative and having a go at writing an acrostic poem.

Afterwards our members were given an egg box activity which involved bouncing different coloured ping pong balls into an egg box. It was marvellous to see how happy our members become when they completed this game.

We were excited to have Eon with us today, our members were put through their paces with lots of fast and slow movements to music. Faz demonstrated the slower arm movements alongside Eon encouraging everyone to participate.

It was fantastic to welcome James Le Bec to the final part of the session. The room was filled with an air of joy today, there were many smiles and lots of positive vibes as we all came together to sing along to ‘Que Sera Sera’ and ‘Catch a Falling Star’ by Perry Como. We continued to dance away to many of our favourite songs right through to the end.

It was a delight to see our members so happy this afternoon. We kindly thank Eon and James for their valued contribution to the session. To all the staff at Friend In Need we warmly thank you for all the support you give during the session.