Finchley Cricket Club – 14th Nov 2022

Nov 14, 2022 | Session Blogs

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Today’s session was a busy one led by Keren the session leader. We had over 40 members attend the Finchley cricket club. Extra tables and chairs were set up to accommodate everybody so we could all enjoy the delicious sandwiches and cakes plus hot drinks provided by the club. Thank you, Julian and Jacqueline as always. We also had some new members to welcome which is always lovely, and there was lots of chatting whilst also enjoying their activities of some colouring and doing some word searches.

Eon managed the full room with his exercises making sure nobody bumped the person sitting next to them! We were then joined by a lovely new singer called Talia, she sang and played with her piano accordion a variety of music which got everyone singing along and having a good old dance. She was amazing and surprised us all when she also sang some favourites in Spanish and Italian.

Many thanks to our trustee and Rotarian Valerie and Joan one of the carers for volunteering to help tidy everything up. Thank you also to Lisa our chairman and Mark who also looked after and chatted to members.