On Tuesday 6th September Dementia Club UK in Mill Hill welcomed 23 guests, it was lovely to see regular faces, some that hadn’t been for a month or two and 3 new faces, Michael, Francesca and Cristina.
We also welcomed Jessica a third-year medical student who lives in the area and came to the session with Gillian from Rotary Club of Mill Hill. They both enjoyed helping and chatting to the members.
Jane had everyone busy doing a word search about schools whilst enjoying their teas and coffees and Jane’s lovely homemade cakes. The words search kept everyone very busy proving to be quite challenging. Some members enjoyed jigsaws and puzzles. Lisa also gave members a couple of quizzes to do, and members enjoyed shouting out the answers. The true or false quiz questions made everybody think. Lisa then finished off with reading a joke.
Helen our music entertainer played some well-known songs and also played a relaxing song with her harp and finally some rousing last night of the proms music which included Jubilee flag waving and everybody singing.
This was followed by seated exercise led by Rachel showing members different movements to music, again which was enjoyed by everybody especially as they were already warmed up after Helen’s music entertainment. Lisa then finally surprised one of the carer’s with a birthday cake. It was James’s birthday and of course a birthday is always celebrated in the Dementia Club UK fashion with a firework candle. James was very happy, and everyone sang happy birthday to him. As members were leaving one lady said “well that was a super afternoon”