Not quite Wimbledon, but lots of games were happening on Tuesday at the Eversfield Centre, Mill Hill. Six Rotary members from the Mill Hill Club – Jane, Ken, Bobsie, Desmond, Grahame and Jeanette together with Theresa a local volunteer encouraged the group and joined in with playing cards, dominoes, jigsaws and other small challenges. Much talking, laughter and some members showing their photos from Dementia Club’s last outing at TEAPOT Island.
Lisa had some good news to share informing everyone that he had booked the same magician as last year for the Christmas party on Tuesday 6th December at the Eversfield Centre. This party will also be celebrating Rotary Club Mill Hill joined in association with Dementia Club UK.
After home-made cakes made by Jane and tea and coffee, the group joined Helen around the piano for a very enthusiastic singing session, finishing off with Eon Walters putting us through our paces with very enjoyable seated exercises! Thank you to all our volunteers and also one of our carers James who always offers to help.
Congratulations to Jeanette Poulton who last week became the new President of Mill Hill Rotary.