Some things are hard to talk about, Dementia is one of them. and it doesn’t just affect the elderly. Early onset dementia is being linked to contact sports such as football and rugby. It can hit anyone. There is no cure; the research goes on.
Read about the thoughts and feelings experienced by those navigating everyday life with dementia; and more generally, what it’s like to be a carer or to be cared for, whatever the reason.
“Closing Time at the Kings Head”
Poems of Loss and Loving
By Karin De Novellis
The book costs £9.99 and all profits will go to charities supporting those living with dementia. Buying a copy directly from Karin, will raise the maximum amount of money per copy for charity.
About Karin De Novellis
“Over the years I have worked as a speech and language therapist, singer, teacher and counsellor, always preoccupied with the sharing of human experience through the spoken word. The enforced isolation of lockdown forced me to make connections in a different way. You hold the result in your hand. My husband is/was a renaissance man. While he had a successful career in the world of finance, he could equally have been an opera singer, car mechanic, portrait painter, furniture restorer or composer. When dementia entered our home, so much was lost. The poems in this collection grew out of our shared experience of living with dementia.”
Please join me in spreading the word. Start a conversation; here’s how…
• Have friends over for a reading and discussion with me.
• Choose this book for your book club.
• Suggest a fund-raising reading at work or in your faith/community group.
• Stock the book in your shop and add to your online catalogue.
Contact me at to arrange a reading and more information.
The book can also be purchased from Amazon, just search for “Closing Time at the Kings Head”