Carers Group – Tuesday 24th August

Aug 24, 2021 | Carers Group Meetings

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Carers Group – Tuesday 24th August

A big thank you to Keren for taking the first half hour of the meeting in my absence. Our speaker today from Carers UK had to reschedule for next week and Andrew was unable to join us as he had a work emergency.

The session today was therefore open to all members to raise and talk about any concerns and challenges.  As some of the discussions referred to previous matters discussed, I have copied some of my last week’s report below for everyone’s information.

There was also some discussion about choosing care homes. Please see the link below which provides a directory of all the care homes in Barnet and also provides advice.

I have included Mike Rich CEO of Barnet Carers in this report and also Marcelo Navarro -Director of a care company for your information if you need to contact them.

Please also see below the contact details of our speaker last week – Rachel Burley-Stower a solicitor from Martin Searle Solicitors    Mobile number:  07830288327

Our speaker for next week’s carers group meeting is Michael Shann from Carers UK

As always if you would like to speak to me at any time on a one-to-one basis I am always happy to chat.

Thank you to Keren, Dr Angela Parker who is also one of our Trustees, Mike Rich and Marcelo Navarro