Carers Group Meeting Tuesday – 15th June 2021
We had 25 members this evening. Lisa welcomed everyone and also welcomed new members. There was no seminar organised by Andrew for this evening but Andrew was happy to answer any questions directed to him. One of the carers mentioned that she wanted to talk about Hallucinations if possible. Lisa therefore decided to start with this topic and then any other concerns from members could also be discussed after. Lisa started to talk about her own experiences with her mum’s hallucinations. Unfortunately, Dementia is a disease that cause symptoms that can cause hallucinations. Lisa talked about some of the challenges she experienced with her mum’s hallucinations and how she responded. A few members shared some experiences which were discussed.
Please see attached some very useful information and advice about Hallucinations which I have found and copied from the following website.
Other discussions followed about exercises. Please see the following:
Baerbel suggested ‘A Wake Up Chair Pilates Class’ –
Karin suggested
Gina suggested ‘The Bodycoach’ –
Andrew suggested – David Powers who works at Copthall –
Other discussions followed about Motion sensors and the following was suggested by Sandra:
Lisa thanked Andrew and everyone who attended the meeting which finished at 8.45pm