Faz led today’s fun and jam packed session, it was lovely to welcome 31 members and carers today. Our theme today was based around Remembrance Sunday. Our members enjoyed the veteran word search and colouring in the poppies on Flanders field. Faz followed on from this and read out a poem by Lieutenant Colonel John Mc Crae called ‘Flanders Fields’. We remembered Frances Banks, Keren’s late mother whilst the poem was read.
Rachel joined us next for an up beat seated and standing exercise session. Members were happily swaying their legs and arms to merry tunes.
For the final part of the day we were joined by James Le Bec, everyone was enjoying singing to some good old classics such as ‘Ques Sera Sera’ and dancing to the ‘The Hokey Cokey’.
A huge thank you to Rachel and James for keeping everyone entertained and smiling this afternoon. It is always a pleasure to have Lisa Rutter our chairman and Mark with us. Our volunteer Keren was amazing, thank you so much for all your support today. Last but not least a warm thank you to the team at ‘The Life’ cafe for serving us delicious cakes and drinks today.